Media mogul Rupert Murdoch has announced that the Black Ops Division of NewsCorp has been working on a human cloning technology for years and has had a major breakthrough.
“I am happy to announce that we now have the technology for human cloning and specifically the cloning of me. So far we have been able to make 100,000 copies of myself and once we are able to meet world demand which will be in the millions, they will be available for order on our website.”

Rupert Murdoch - is this a case of the more the merrier?
Whilst this technology has been seen as a huge breakthrough, many are criticising Mr Murdoch for his decision to sell copies of himself, citing it as a potential marketing failure.
“What are these clones meant to do? Do they wash your clothes? Vacuum the floor? Or will they take over your house and liquidate all of its assets?” said Pierre Trufott, respected French industry analyst.
Other industry analysts have speculated that the rumoured price of $0.99 per copy may be appealing to many.