A typical Android user
“We are just as surprised by the results as anyone, especially to see such negative results from users of an open-source operating system,” said Grant Carlssin from ISGRMDDC.
“Android users are not only more prone to watching MacGyver, but are actually often disrespectful to their mothers.”
“The other interesting fact about Android users is that they spend more time in the bathroom than other mobile device users, and also eat more cheeseburgers.”
“In comparison, iPhone users are more family friendly, clean their teeth more often, give more to charity and generally do not have facial hair such as a soul patch or goatee.”
Gary Tieste from Android Activists has called on Android users to flame ISGRMDDC by writing damning web comments and spruiking why their chosen mobile operating system is superior.
“This is just another case of Apple fanboy propaganda. I wouldn’t be surprised to find that Grant Carlssin owns an iPhone, a couple of iPods, and probably even an iPad 2. Android is a far better operating system and a better way of life. I wouldn’t give a huge corporation like Apple one cent of my money, and to be honest, I wouldn’t hit the brakes if an iPhone user walked across the road in front of me. I hate those bastards and everything they stand for!” responded Tieste.
The survey has since been taken down from the ISGRMDDC website with Carlssin suggesting they may look at collecting and analysing data on less controversial topics such as religion and border disputes.
I just analysed this article using the “BadApple” app on my $17 Huawei phone running TastyDessert 3.2 and based on the font and writing style it is 89% certain that this article was written by an Apple user on an iPad.
You have been SPRUNG! U Apple people suck. ANDROID RULES!!! YEAH! I DARE U TO POST THIS REPLY!!! I DARE U!!!!