Canberra is set to be the first city to use “molecular concrete” in one of its upgraded intersections.
The upgrade of the Majura Avenue and Phillip Avenue intersection is using the breakthrough technology.
“Molecular Concrete is something we are very excited about. We use very special equipment that lays down the concrete at the molecular level. The benefit is that the concrete forms very strong bonds that can last for many years” said Charles Formage from MC Foundations, the cutting edge company behind the concrete.
The supposed drawback from using “molecular concrete” is that it takes up to 30 times longer to apply than regular concrete.

Molecular Concrete - it's won't happen overnight
“Sure it takes longer, but it is certainly worth it. We have to wait for each layer to dry before we lay the next one” said Mr Formage.
Local resident Randolf O’Neill was quick to support the initiative, “Hackett residents such as myself, are well known for our environmental ethos. Anything that uses the latest technologies, must be good.”
The upgrade of the Majura Avenue and Phillip Avenue intersection which began in early 2011 is set to finish in March 2015.