Controversial radio personality Kyle Sandilands is hunting for publishers as he plans to reveal all in a shocking new book.
The self confessed bad boy of the airwaves wants people to see that he has many layers, not all of which are self centered and repulsive.

Kyle Sandilands, hungry for the truth to be known
“Most people either hate him, or find him completely objectionable. That is not the Kyle I know. He is that and much more.”
Users of the popular social media website Twitter were quick to jump on the story where funnyman Wil Anderson led the charge. The hashtag #NameKylesBook became an instant Twitter sensation.
Some of the suggested titles for Sandiland’s book on Twitter were “I, Cvntivs”, “Belittle Women” and “The Origin of the Faeces”.
However, Sandilands is believed to have engaged with marketing company Nonaforte to come up with the title for his new book. The same company that rose to fame after coming up with the stunning title for the John Howard autobiography, Lazarus Rising.
“Once he has the title, he is going to work backwards from there. You are about to see a part of Kyle that you may never have wanted to see, warts and all,” said Mr Paris.
“People already know about the many highs, but it’s the subsequent lows that may shock and disturb. Like the time he got a really bad headache in the Big Brother house and needed immediate self medication.”
The autobiography, to be entirely written by a ghost writer, is expected to be out sometime in the future.