An old age pensioner has allegedly become the first real victim of Carbon Tax when he slipped and fell on his electricity bill.

Stan Smithson before the Carbon Tax
Lovable pensioner Stan Smithson died last night in hospital after it was reported he took a nasty fall shortly after opening his first electricity bill since the Carbon Tax came into existence on 1 July.
“It was only a matter of time,” claims Andy Floater from the More Carbon, Less Tax lobby group.
“The Carbon Tax has only been around for one week, and already somebody is dead. How many more people are going to die before the government rolls back this evil tax.”
“I hope our prime minister is happy,” said Mr Floater.
The controversial carbon pricing scheme was introduced by the Gillard government in an effort to cut the amount of carbon released into our atmosphere by Australia’s biggest polluters. However, critics have suggested that the real victims may end up being ordinary people.
“Stan was very popular in Tharwa, and he will be missed,” said a neighbour.
Have you thought it could have come from the effects of the chemicals in the cigarette he is smoking in the photo.