An amateur audio technician has used the latest technology to analyse the controversial recording of Alan Jones, who is alleged to have suggested that the Prime Minister’s father “died of shame”.

Alan Jones, will he come out fighting?
“I am convinced there has been some digital manipulation here,” said audiophile Dean Black in an exclusive interview with The Canberra News Digestive.
Using the same technology that found the missing ‘a’ in Neil Armstrong’s moon landing speech, Black says he has evidence that Alan Jones is the victim of media manipulation.
“I believe that Alan Jones actually said ‘its a shame Julia Gillard’s father died’, and not the highly offensive remark he was alleged to say.”
The Victorian Alan Jones Supporters (VAJS) has come out guns blazing after being contacted by Mr Black.
“This is typical of the media inciting hatred and vilification against Alan Jones,” said angry VAJS member Peter Butcher.
“It’s just like that incident at the public toilet block in London. Alan was cleared of all charges relating to behaving in an indecent manner, so let’s never speak of it again. Where there is no smoke, there is no fire.”
Multiple advertisers have withdrawn support of Alan Jones’ radio show since the controversial recording was leaked.
“I’ll be using all the resources open to VAJS to blow this wide open, and give Alan Jones the justice he deserves,” said a steadfast Black.
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has also hit the headlines for suggesting the government “should have died of shame”, but no media manipulation is being investigated.