Thousands of Canberrans are expected to ascend Mount Ainslie this Friday to usher in the end of the world.
According to the Mayan Calendar, the world will end at approximately 8:15 PM AESDT this Friday 21st December 2012.
Mt Ainslie has been officially chosen as the best place to get a good panoramic view of the Mayan Apocalypse.

The end of civilisation, a boon for retailers
Acclaimed local psychic Anastasia Zola Neptune says that viewers can expect the end of the world to come “swiftly, but with a good build up.”
“If my readings are correct, at around 8:00 PM we will see the skies slowly darken. Then within 15 to 30 minutes it will get very dark, and we should see some of the stars begin to appear.”
“At this point, I am not really sure what will happen. But I am betting that Mother Nature will be putting on one great last show. I am hoping the weather will be kind and there is limited cloud cover.”
Camping retailers around Canberra have reported a huge boost in the sale of candles, tinned food and mosquito repellent.
Music retailers have reported an increase in sales of Michael Buble CDs, but poster sales for Katy Perry and Nicki Minaj are surprisingly low.
Local religious institutions have also reported an increase in church service participation, but were quick to add that this is relatively normal for this time of year.
Canberra authorities have asked that people remain calm, even in the unlikely event of a “world-ending apocalypse.”
I am picturing the final scene from Ghostbusters…
What a load of nonsense! The view from Telstra tower will be much better.