ACT Election may be decided by one vote

A nervous wait for Arthur Tanner and his wife

The outcome of the ACT election may not be known until the weekend and it may come down to one vote.

Canberra residents went to the polls on the weekend, but a result is not known as the votes are still being counted.

A 73 year old man from the suburb of Watson believes he may have the deciding vote.

“I went to use that new electronic voting thing, but I am not sure if I voted for Labor, the Liberals, the Greens, or the SummerNats!” said Arthur Tanner in an exclusive interview with The Canberra News Digestive.

“I kept typing numbers on the little keypad, but all kinds of shenanigans were happening on the screen. I think I voted for someone, but I just don’t know who. And I’ve heard my vote may be the decider!”

The ACT election has been described as unique with many serious issues facing Canberra voters such as potential rate rises, green garbage bins, and the building of a Monorail system.

It was the first time an electronic voting system has been used in Canberra, which is also seen as environmentally cutting edge as it was made from old recycled computers.

In a scenario reminiscent of the federal election, all parties are currently scrambling to work out a deal to ensure a functioning minority government can be formed.

KOB says:

My wife says you’re hilarious.

George says:

Monorail? Light rail and high speed rail were issues, but not a monorail. Very different.