Man applies for civil union with his iPad

A Belconnen man has contacted the ACT Registrar-General’s Office to find out how he can marry his new iPad.

“I have fallen in love with my new iPad,” said James Hicks in an exclusive interview with The Canberra News Digestive.

“Why should I be discriminated against, just because my love interest is different to yours? Have you seen the new retina display?” asked Mr Hicks.

“I am not asking to marry my iPad, I am too old fashioned for that. Instead, I just want a recognised civil union ceremony with some of my closest family and friends. My new iPad will travel with me through all of time.”

James Hicks and his new iPad love

Hicks has enlisted constitutional lawyer Connor Brent to assist him in his unusual quest.

“The ACT’s Civil Partnerships Act is not specific about whether humans can marry electronic devices,” said Mr Brent.

“I think Mr Hicks has a relatively strong case, and I intend to pursue this for as long as it may take.”

The highly anticipated new iPad with slightly better features became available in Australia late last week.

AppleLeaks says:

This is old news – in Sweden they already allow this. Julian Assange did this but subsequently flashed an Android device, which is considered bigamy under Swedish law. Not many people know this but it is the real reason for his attempted extradition. It was recently revealed on Wikipedia.

Nothanks says:

The Canberra Government loves to make stupid laws.

Perhaps if they could get paid from it then you would have any law you want.

Take Woolworths for example, they pay the current Government to keep quiet about the drunken bashing deaths of victims. Seems that Police, courts, and peoples lives are nothing when Woolworths needs the right to have ‘discount beer’ on sale.

The emergency system for victims of drunks includes a 30 minute wait for Ambos, followed by 25 minutes for the police to arrive so the Ambos can perform their duties.

The only people not getting paid from this are the brain dead victims whos organs are basically stolen by people who keep their mouths shut – if they ever did say anything then there out of a job!

Nothanks says:

must be very nice to have other things on your minds rather then physical pain caused by the very wonders would on any day of the week be occupyed by these issues rather then actual ones of life and death.

never mind the ever growing court lists – im sure its up to 10 years wait by now – and with continued support of former chief murdering ministers that could blow out even more.

Anything goes when your a corrupt officer/practitioner of the legal system whos job includes coverups and removal of beer branding from crime reports.

Of course most lawiers are going to say most people have a case but how else would they get paid if you didn’t.

Anyway best of luck – I see no reason to not have the same rights. But remember its only a Womans right to have 3 brain damaged kids for dole payments and a home in the burbs.