Weston Park on track for high-speed rail pilot

A small venture capitalist has proposed that the Weston Park miniature railway be the site of Australia’s inaugural high-speed railway pilot project.

“This project will prove the economic viability of fast trains in this country”, said an excited Tony Amadeus, proprietor of SinoCan Rail Corporation.

“I am seeking to create a public-private-partnership between the ACT Government and China Southern Rail.”

Harnessing state-of-the-art technology, the new train is expected to reduce the time taken to complete the figure of eight loop from 9 minutes to just 12 seconds.

“We estimate an additional 100 trips could be made per day, subject to patronage during the operating season,” said Amadeus.

High speed rail on a whole new scale

High speed rail on a whole new scale

“The significant productivity improvements for ACT residents justify the $7 million bill.”

John Buffer, a railways expert, has called it the most visionary piece of Australian infrastructure since the Ghan linked Adelaide and Alice Springs.

“A little known fact is that before they built the Ghan, they piloted a scaled down version that ran from North Cunnamulla to South Cunnamulla. The tracks were washed away several times, but the pilot was deemed a complete success.”

The NSW Roads Minister is reportedly keeping a close eye on the Canberra developments, with a view to conducting a similar pilot in Bronte.